How to Choose Power Card in Your Free Tarot Reading?

Who am I? What are my strengths? How can I achieve my dreams?
Answers to all these questions lie in your free tarot card readings. Tarot card offers a deep insight into your strengths and possibilities of the future. It reveals the unhidden truths that can help you to achieve the goals you have always dreamt of.
Every card in the deck offers different meanings depending on its position. This Tarot Card Prediction has the power to change your life. The accuracy of Tarot card reading depends completely upon how you choose your Significator or Power card.

What is a Power Card?

Do you remember the Greek Gods and their immense powers? Hercules, Zeus, Apollo, Titans everyone had been granted with the divine powers that made them Gods. Buy instagram followers work the same for you.
Power card is the significant card which shares the distinct power given to you from the divine. This personalized card can boost that specific inner strength which can give you the power to move mountains.

People often think that Major Arcana Cards are the power cards. From my 10 years of experience, I can share you the real truth about which cards can be your power card and how to pick it?
Power card is the divine call of the awakening of your true inner strength. No matter whether it is major arcana or minor arcana. You can be the strong Empress or the mystic Four of Wands. Every card will have its significance in telling your personal power. You can use the power card to boost yourself spiritually and make accurate readings.

Choosing a significant card is not as easy as it looks. The practice has traveled a long way and demands a deep knowledge of cards with spiritual connectivity.  You should know when to present the red flag and when to hold yourself back.

How To Choose Your Tarot Power Card

Each card reflects the spirit you hold and work with. It's never the same. You can not find the same empowering spirit for two people. In readings, you will find the answers to who you are and who you are becoming. In other words, you will get shadow and vision cards while practicing tarot.

It’s never the same! If you think that finding a significant card will be the same for the whole of your life, then you are absolutely wrong. The significator is the revelation of the qualities that you currently possess. It can reflect it as The High Priestess one time and change to The Queen of Swords for another. It is always up to you what professes your authority.
There are many ways to know your significator card. So, ignore the old stories of one ultimate path to reach divine power. I believe in the words of Paulo Coelho “Each Person is different and each one will reach the divine by his or her own path”. So, know what are the different ways to find the power card and seek the path that evokes your divine qualities for supremacy.
I am going to explain the four ways that I found best to pick your significator card. Let us take a look:

  1. Take the Traditional Approach

The most approachable and easiest method is to find the traditional meanings of the cards and a guide for free tarot reading. For instance, the Magician signifies the male seeker and The High Priestess defines the card for a female seeker.

2. Trust on the Outer Look

You can find your card based on how you look or according to your physical appearance. You can get the help of the below list to find the Tarot Significator based on looks. These are the court cards and the person they represent:
  • Kings- older or established man
  • Queens- older or established woman
  • Pages- Young men and women
  • Knights- Men or Women in their Prime which meant the peak time when a person has good mental and physical strength. It can be the late 40s or 50s or 60s.
  • Cups- Light-complexioned persons with light brown or darker blonde hair.
  • Wands- Lighter skinned individuals with red or blonde hair. People with Nordic appearance can also be represented with this card.
  • Pentacles- Person with dark colored hair, dark complexion, and dark eyes.
  • Swords- Individual with dark colored hair and dark eyes.
You need to be careful about the age in this method and try not to be diplomatic. For a Tarot card, it is all about Truth and honesty. You can never deceive your own conscious.

3. Choose According to Your Personality

If you believe that Tarot reflects your personality and it should show in it your readings then, you may go with this method to pick the significator card based on personality traits. Take a look at the below list to find which card represents your personality traits:
  • Queen Of Wands- Person with a friendly nature.
  • Knight of Wands - Person with enthusiasm and high energy.
  • Page of Wands- Person with high curiosity to discover and learn new things.
  • King of Wands- Person with innovation and leadership skills.
  • Page of Cups- Person with emotional instability and immaturity.
  • Knight of Cups- Person with unique thoughts or mindset.
  • Queen of Cups- Person with passion and who follow what heart says.
  • King of Cups- Person with strong emotional control and know their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Page of Swords- Diplomatic persons who play safely in arguments supporting both sides.
  • Knight of Swords- Person with aggressiveness.
  • Queen of Swords- Cold hearted person or the one who is very defensive.
  • King of Swords- Intellectual people who prefer taking decisions from their minds and loves intelligence.
  • Page of Pentacles- Person who is filled with amazing possibilities but have not been in limelight or got the chance to show it.
  • Knight of Pentacles-  Hardworking person and Person who is diligent.
  • Queen of Pentacles- Person who knows how to prioritize and balance personal and professional life.
  • King of Pentacles- Person with a conventional mind or one who believes in good traditional values.
4. Pick According to the Current Situation
You can pick your power card based on the current situation. You can use any of the Tarot cards in this method. Let us take a look at what the cards read about the situation:
  • Wands- Readings about work and business
  • Cups- Readings about love and relationships.
  • Swords- Readings about conflict and where the logic is essential
  • Pentacles- Readings about finance or health.
  • The Fool- Readings about new changes or beginnings or in case of feeling stuck or blocked.
  • The Magician- Readings about new ventures or tricks.
  • The High Priestess- Readings about spiritual or psychic strength. It may be divine progress too.
  • The Empress- Readings about nurturing or parenthood.
  •  The Emperor- Readings about business or at the high position careerwise.
  • The Hierophant- Readings about customs, traditions, parents or religious matters or leaders.
  • The Lovers- Readings about love, emotional affairs or choices you make.
  • The Chariot- Readings about fame, achievements, rewards, and glory.
  • Justice- Readings about law, morals, fairness, and equality.
  • The Hermit- Readings about self-realization or studies.
  • The Wheel of Fortune- Readings about fortune or change in luck.
  • Strength- Readings about strength and courage.
  •  The Hanged man- readings about health or sacrifices.
  • Death- Readings representing life-changing situations.
  • Temperance-Readings that shows the peace and happiness of seeker.
  • The Devil- Readings about some obsessions or addictions or some rule breaking patterns of nature.
  • The Tower- Readings about sudden surprises or shock.
  • The Star- Readings about wishes and hopes.
  • The Moon- Readings about uncertainty or extra affairs.
  • The Sun- Readings about holidays and family meetups.
  • Judgment- Readings about calling and destiny.
  • The World- Readings about travel and trips.

So, these are the methods through which you can get your Power card or Significator and enhance the accuracy of Tarot Card Readings. Always try to concentrate your thoughts while answering the seeker’s question with the significator card and you would be able to get the power of divinity in your hand.

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